Infrared inspections in Laredo, TX, help detect moisture intrusion, insulation deficiencies, energy losses, and structural integrity. When you need a complete and accurate inspection, Building Diagnostics Group provides tremendous cost-saving services.
Building Diagnostics Group (BDG) is a multifaceted consulting firm that specializes in the non-destructive detection, investigation, and resolution of water intrusions on multi-family, commercial, industrial and institutional buildings.
We offer services in a variety of different roles, often working with engineering firms during the due diligence process of an acquisition. We are typically the first to inspect the exterior of a property, providing insight about the overall condition and the need, if any, for additional services to complete the due diligence evaluation.
Infrared Inspection Services
We have performed services on 300+ multi-family and commercial properties and inspected in excess of over 50 million square feet. Our services have identified significant hidden building defects that have cost from $2 to $5 million dollars in underlying structural repairs and include:
Exterior building inspections: BDG inspects building exterior wall systems for water intrusions that may have damaged the exterior sheathing and/or structural components, and effectively identifies potential hidden defects. Infrared imaging can be used for many different cladding systems, from single coat stucco systems, to Exterior Insulation Finish Systems (EIFS), to siding. These exterior building surveys are extremely fast and cost-effective. BDG can typically evaluate 10 to 15 low-rise apartment buildings in just a few days on site.
Interior building inspections: Infrared thermography is by far the best method for documenting a water loss or water intrusion event. With our extensive knowledge and use of high resolution infrared cameras, BDG can quickly pinpoint the exact location of interior water intrusions with little or no physical disassembly of the premises and with minimal disturbance to the occupants. Even if the building materials are dry by the time of our inspection, we can visually document the areas that were affected to provide a true representation of actual damage.
Aerial roof inspections: BDG’s aerial drone thermal infrared roof inspections are ideal for determining active roof leaks and can significantly reduce the time and expense of commercial roof inspections when compared to conventional methods. This thermal imaging service is performed just after sunset to detect warm trapped moisture under the roofing membrane. We can detect otherwise unobservable areas of water damage without requiring roof access or causing disruption to the occupants of the building.
EIFS Inspections: Mold is a major threat to insurers, but another problem has wreaked havoc for homeowners, insurance carriers, and contractors across the nation for several years now–damages stemming from Exterior Insulation and Finishing Systems (EIFS), often referred to as fake or synthetic stucco. BDG’s Water Infiltration Analysis service can find excessive moisture content in the structural cavities and framing of any structure with EIFS or Stucco cladding. Our observations are documented in a detailed written and photographic report.
Protect your property and your long-term investment with infrared inspections from Building Diagnostics Group. We provide services in Laredo, TX and throughout the U.S. Call us at (888) 317-4568 or contact us online to request a free project quote.