Aerial Tower & Structure Inspections

We provide high-resolution digital photography and infrared thermal imaging services to help maintain, build, or modify water tower structures or any other elevated structure.

Complete structure documentation includes noting visible deficiencies, documenting the condition of the existing coating, determining hardware failures, and providing general overall tower conditions.


Has your tower been recently coated? An aerial inspection can evaluate the quality of the new coating, consistency, and quality of workmanship.

Our process includes a pre-inspection meeting with the facility manager or director that will outline the expectations of the inspection. Additionally, a remote video monitor can be used to provide real-time monitoring by site personnel.

Deliverables include video documentation, photo files, or virtual inspection documentation using our cloud reporting platform.

The many advantages of aerial drone inspections include:

  • Significant reduction in costs over traditional inspection methods
  • Storm damage assessments
  • Preemptive maintenance
  • Lighting/marker condition observation
  • Safety inspections
  • Structure comparisons over time

We are FAA Authorized Commercial sUAS Remote Pilots with a current inventory of four aircraft specially equipped with high-resolution camera systems. The FAA has also granted BDG a 14 CFR 107.29 Daylight Operation Waiver allowing us to perform nighttime aerial operations.

Contact us today to discuss your next project.