Building Diagnostics Group has extensive experience in infrared building inspections in Cape Coral, FL, and the non-destructive detection, investigation, and resolution of water intrusions on multi-family, commercial, industrial and institutional buildings.
Building Diagnostics Group (BDG) is a multifaceted consulting firm that specializes in infrared building science, aerial thermography, and water testing procedures that enable us to identify the cause and origin of most roof and building failures.
What is Infrared Thermography?
Infrared thermography (IR) employs specialized thermography cameras to measure the thermal energy emitted from an object. It can easily detect water penetrating a building envelope and is the only diagnostic tool that enables you to instantly identify abnormally warm or cool areas that indicate moisture intrusion, insulation deficiencies, and other energy losses.
BDG can identify potential hidden defects in many different cladding systems, and is often the first to identify signs of a potentially larger problem because water intrusion from the building exterior can take years to show up on the inside, at which point extensive damage has already been done.
We have performed inspection services on 300+ multi-family and commercial properties in excess of 50 million square feet. Our services have identified significant hidden building defects that have cost from $2 to $5 million dollars in underlying structural repairs.
Why Choose Building Diagnostics Group
Credentials and experience are extremely important considerations when selecting a building inspection company. The more surveys conducted, the more likely an inspector will know what to look for and be able to detect small defects that warn of future problems.
Robert Scherer, President of BDG, has over 25 years of residential and commercial construction experience. In 2000, he discovered the potential of infrared thermography in the building construction industry and purchased his first infrared camera, the first in southwest Florida.
Robert became a pioneer in the field of moisture intrusion and building defect investigations with the use of infrared thermography. He is a Certified Indoor Environmentalist, Certified Mold Inspector, an ITC Certified Level III Thermographer with over 15 years of thermography experience and is certified in Advanced Building Diagnostics.
Robert has often been called upon to provide expert witness testimony, field evaluations, and written opinions. He has provided these services for various counties, states, and legal jurisdictions throughout the United States.
The BDG team conducts due diligence building surveys as if we are the potential purchasers of the subject property. Upon completion, we deliver a detailed narrative report of our findings with deficiencies identified, photos of the deficiencies to provide visual evidence of the building’s condition, and recommendations for replacement and repair.
Knowing as much as possible about a building envelope gives prospective buyers and investors the critical information they need to identify costly hidden damage or to validate a sound investment, making exterior building inspections extremely cost-effective in the decision-making process.
Learn more about infrared inspections in Cape Coral, FL, and our wide-ranging capabilities by contacting Building Diagnostics Group at (888) 317-4568 to discuss your requirements.