As you evaluate Property Condition Assessment companies for a project in Dallas, Texas, consider Building Diagnostics Group for thorough and accurate infrared inspections.
Building Diagnostics Group (BDG) specializes in the non-destructive detection, investigation, and resolution of water intrusions on multi-family, commercial, industrial and institutional buildings throughout the nation. Our state-of-the-art technology and skilled team of professional thermographers combine to produce inspections of the highest quality.
Robert Scherer, President of BDG, is certified in Advanced Building Diagnostics and is an ITC Certified Level III Thermographer, a Certified Indoor Environmentalist and Certified Mold Inspector. He has presented at building industry conferences and published white papers on specialty applications for the use of infrared thermography.
BDG often works with engineering firms during the due diligence process of an acquisition. We are typically the first to inspect the exterior of a property, providing insight about the overall condition and the need, if any, for additional services to complete the due diligence evaluation.
Utilizing only high-resolution FLIR SYSTEMS thermography equipment, the highest-quality infrared equipment in the industry, and several camera systems designed for different uses, the highly trained BDG team provides the most comprehensive non-destructive building investigations available today.
We have performed services on 300+ multi-family and commercial properties and inspected in excess of over 50 million square feet. Our services have identified significant hidden building defects that have cost from $2 to $5 million dollars in underlying structural repairs.
What to Expect from a Property Condition Assessment
A Property Condition Assessment (PCA) is an inspection of an asset that identifies any physical defects and deferred maintenance issues that could potentially affect its value.
The inspector visits the site and spends several hours or days doing a walk-through of the property and inspecting the building envelope, structural systems, HVAC systems, electrical systems, plumbing and more.
For each deficiency found, clients receive a report that fully describes the concerns or defects found during the inspection, with photo documentation and an estimate of repair costs. Inspection reports can be customized to meet a client’s requirements based on how the report will be used and its intended audience.
What Are the Benefits of a PCA?
Property Condition Assessments of commercial buildings can help investors, sellers, lenders, and other stakeholders:
- Reveal design, construction and deferred maintenance issues, including structural issues, code violations, poor quality or workmanship, and inadequate systems
- Make informed purchasing decisions
- Fully assess risks associated with the property
- Negotiate a more favorable price when major deficiencies are uncovered
- Obtain concessions from the seller
- Estimate the cost of repairs and replacements
- Refine future cash flow projections
- Reduce the building’s overall energy consumption
- Mitigate exposure to future liability
- Reduce insurance premium costs
If you are looking for a Property Condition Assessment in Dallas, Texas, give Building Diagnostics Group a call at (888) 317-4568 or contact us online to find out how we can help. Our experienced team is available for nationwide travel to your location.