The AAMA 501.2 (Quality Assurance and Diagnostic Water Leakage Field Check of Installed Storefronts, Curtain Walls, and Sloped Glazing Systems) is designed to aid in the water-tight testing of large glass areas meant to be permanently closed, such as store fronts, curtain walls, and sloped glazing systems.
If you are looking for a test that measures water resistance in extreme weather conditions, refer to the AAMA 502, AAMA 503, or the ASTM E 1105.
Testing overview: A project architect or another representative (specifier) will select the area to be tested. This area should represent typical construction for the project. A test is normally performed over a minimum area of 100 ft² and includes the edge of the glass surface and places where the frame is horizontal, vertical, or intersecting.
It’s best to perform this test while the interior walls are unfinished so any moisture is visible during the test and amendments can be made before the building is completed. If test area is enclosed by interior finishes, the contractor should expect additional costs of exposing the wall(s) and refinishing them after testing is complete.
The guide for testing is very specific. A constant pressure of between 30-35 psi is applied from a ¾” (19 mm) diameter hose fitted with a nozzle. This ½” diameter brass nozzle is to be part B-25 #6.030, sourced only from Monarch Manufacturing, to standardize test results. It is recommended to fit the nozzle with a gauge to measure distance from the test surface.
For the actual test, a 5-foot section is chosen that bears both the frame and a joint in the glass. The nozzle is held 1-foot away from the glass and slowly moved back and forth for the duration of the 5-minute test. The chosen area is soaked from the lowest horizontal brace to any adjacent vertical framing. During the test, a member of the testing team will be inside to monitor the wallsand check for any leakage. Any amount of water greater that ½ ounce over the course of 5 minutes will be deemed a failure.
Water Leakage “Water leakage is defined as any uncontrolled water that appears on any normally exposed interior surfaces, that is not contained or drained back to the exterior, or that can cause damage to adjacent materials or finishes.” (From AAMA 501.2-03)
If a leak is found, the wall must first dry completely, be sealed, and be re-tested. To pinpoint the weak spots in construction, a waterproof tape can be used to completely seal the area. All joints, gaskets, and framing elements are covered from the outside and removed in 5-foot sections to retest for the exact spot of leakage. If no leaks occur, the area stays uncovered, and the test goes on. Any areas that have been taped due to leaking will have to be examined, repaired based on the recommendation of the architect, and re-tested.
BDG utilizes professional testing equipment that is calibrated to each specific testing standard for accurate results. Our field consultants are properly trained and knowledgeable of all testing standards. BDG has extensive knowledge of most building systems and specializes in forensic water intrusion investigations. This allows us to not only properly test fenestrations on new construction projects, but also pinpoint the cause of any test failures and provide accurate recommendations to achieve successful testing results. Failures during quality assurance (new construction) testing can result in unnecessary delays that can impact your bottom line.
If you are looking for a reputable second or third-party testing company to perform accurate professional testing, provide concise reports, and help you through the entire process, contact BDG today. We provide testing services throughout the United States from our headquarters located in Atlanta, GA.
Give us a call to discuss your next AAMA 501.2 Hose Nozzle Testing Project.